
Registration fee per each participant:Rs 100/-

Welcome to the Mehndi Competition hosted by SREC @! We're excited to welcome All the students to showcase their creativity and talent in traditional Mehndi art

Here are the guidelines for the competition:


  • Registration is open to students from all institutions.
  • All the students can register by filling the below google form.
  • The college will not provide any materials for the competition. Participants must bring their own Mehndi cones, brushes, and any other necessary materials for creating their designs.

  • Participants should apply the Mehendi on their own hands or on provided models (if applicable) during the competition.
  • Precision and neatness in design will be considered during judging.
  • We will assign a specific time limit to complete their Mehndi designs

  • The time limit will be announced at the beginning of the competition.
  • Mehndi designs will be evaluated based on creativity, intricacy, neatness, adherence to the theme, and overall visual impact.
  • Judges decisions are final.
  • Note:

  • Exciting prizes for winners.
  • Participantion certificates will be provided.
  • Contact for more Information

  • Any changes or updates to the guidelines will be communicated to the participants promptly.
  • For any queries or clarifications.
  • Mrs.V Lakshmi Chaitanya-Assistant Pofessor:9666348430.